Words like "equity," "diversity," and "inclusion" have become popular buzzwords in K-12 and higher education circles, but few actually unpack the nuances behind them, or challenge the way every decision school leaders make impacts the way students experience school.
Let's talk. How can we work together to make sure equity is a true organizational priority for the benefit of all students? What policies need to change or be implemented to really effect change on your campus(es)? Has your entire staff done the work to examine and unpack any biases they may be holding that may be impacting student outcomes? The best thing about anti-racism is that it doesn't require perfection; it requires commitment. It simply asks you to commit to fighting structural and internal racism wherever it exists -- even in yourself. How can we help support your efforts with data and compelling narratives to inspire change? What conversations need to be had at the leadership level of your district or university to ensure all students have the opportunity to achieve on the same level? We would love to help you do the work to promote better outcomes for Black students. |